So i Have AppModule and HomeModule. I would like to use in HomeModule the Application context and AppDatabase from AppModule.
I'm getting this error: AppDatabase cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method. public abstract interface HomeComponent
modules = [AppModule::class]
interface AppComponent {
interface Builder {
fun build(): AppComponent
fun application(application: Application): Builder
This is the AppModule:
class AppModule {
fun provideAppDatabase(app: Application): AppDatabase{
return Room.databaseBuilder(
How can i use the AppModule dependencies(in this case AppDatabase and the Application) in the HomeModule ?
class HomeModule {
fun provideHomeDao(appDatabase: AppDatabase): HomeDao {
return appDatabase.homeDao
fun provideHomeRepository(homeDao: HomeDao): HomeRepository {
return HomeRepositoryImpl(homeDao)
The HomeComponent:
modules = [HomeModule::class]
interface HomeComponent {
fun inject(homeFragment: HomeFragment)
It will not work because they are unrelated to each other. The solution is:
The HomeComponent:
modules = [HomeModule::class]
interface HomeComponent {
fun inject(homeFragment: HomeFragment)
annotation class FragmentScope
Explanation: We should use HomeComponent as subcomponent for AppCompnent and we should use another annotation to avoid conflict.
The AppComponent:
@Component(modules = [AppModule::class])
interface AppComponent {
fun getHomeFragmentCompnent():HomeComponent
interface Builder {
fun build(): AppComponent
fun application(application: Application): Builder
Then in your Fragment you can use it like this, for example:
class AnyFragment:Fragment {
lateinit var dao: HomeDao
//in onCreateView
val component = ((application as YourApplcation).applicationComponent)