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How can we add column in existing table with migration in CodeIgniter 3


defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Migration_Add_dummy_field_to_blog_table  extends CI_Migration {

        public function up()
                $fields = array(
                        'dummy' => array('type' => 'TEXT')
                $this->dbforge->add_column('blog', $fields);

        public function down()
                $this->dbforge->drop_column('blog', 'dummy');


  • First of all you need to set constraint and then specify the place where you want to add the column. Try this:

    public function up()
                    $fields = array(
                            'dummy' => array(
                                     'type' => 'varchar'
                                     'constraint' => 100,
                                     'after' => 'username'
                    $this->dbforge->add_column('blog', $fields);