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How to achieve a user-defined order with IHP?

I need to order pages (defined by user, drag and drop), something like ("Hello", order 1), ("Bye", order 2) And then insert, let's say ("Good", order 1), so the collection would change to ("Good", order 1), ("Hello", order 2), ("Bye", order 3). Any ideas how to achieve this with IHP/Postgres?

I have looked at

Are those the best solutions we have to date?


  • I usually use the integer position column approach. Here's an example code from a real world IHP app:

    In this case we have offers column with a position integer column, like this:

    CREATE TABLE offers (
        id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
        name TEXT NOT NULL,
        "location" TEXT NOT NULL,
        contact TEXT NOT NULL,
        description TEXT NOT NULL,
        "position" INT NOT NULL

    The controller looks like this:

    module Web.Controller.Offers where
    import Web.Controller.Prelude
    import Web.View.Offers.Edit
    import Web.View.Offers.Show
    import Web.View.Offers.New
    import Web.View.Offers.Index
    import qualified Application.Offer as Offer
    import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as State
    instance Controller OffersController where
        beforeAction = ensureIsUser
        action NewOfferAction = do
            let backField :: Offer = newRecord
            render NewView { .. }
        action OffersAction = do
            backFields <- query @Offer |> orderBy #position |> fetch
            render IndexView { .. }
        action ShowOfferAction { .. } = do
            backField <- fetch backFieldId
            render ShowView { .. }
        action EditOfferAction { .. } = do
            backField <- fetch backFieldId
            render EditView { .. }
        action UpdateOfferAction { .. } = do
            backField <- fetch backFieldId
                |> buildOffer
                |> ifValid \case
                    Left backField -> render EditView { .. }
                    Right backField -> do
                        backField <- updateRecord backField
                        setSuccessMessage "Offer updated"
                        redirectTo EditOfferAction { .. }
        action CreateOfferAction = do
            nextPosition <- Offer.nextPosition
            newRecord @Offer
                |> buildOffer
                |> ifValid \case
                Left backField -> render NewView { .. }
                Right backField -> do
                    backField <- backField
                        |> createRecord
                    setSuccessMessage "Angebot erstellt"
                    redirectTo OffersAction
        action DeleteOfferAction { .. } = do
            backField <- fetch backFieldId
            deleteRecord backField
            setSuccessMessage "Deleted Offer successfully"
            redirectTo OffersAction
        action OfferMoveUpAction { .. } = do
            backField <- fetch backFieldId
            prevOffer <- backField |> Offer.prevOffer
            case prevOffer of
                Just prevOffer -> do
                    let backFieldPosition = get #position backField
                    let prevOfferPosition = get #position prevOffer
                    updateRecord (backField |> set #position prevOfferPosition)
                    updateRecord (prevOffer |> set #position backFieldPosition)
                    return ()
                Nothing -> return ()
            redirectTo OffersAction
        action OfferMoveDownAction { .. } = do
            backField <- fetch backFieldId
            nextOffer <- backField |> Offer.nextOffer
            case nextOffer of
                Just nextOffer -> do
                    let backFieldPosition = get #position backField
                    let nextOfferPosition = get #position nextOffer
                    updateRecord (backField |> set #position nextOfferPosition)
                    updateRecord (nextOffer |> set #position backFieldPosition)
                    return ()
                Nothing -> return ()
            redirectTo OffersAction
    buildOffer :: _ => backField -> backField
    buildOffer backField =
        |> fill @'["name", "description", "position", "location", "contact"]
        |> validateField #name nonEmpty

    Some helper functions used from the controller are defined inside another module (but you could just put them into the controller if you want):

    module Application.Offer (nextPosition, prevOffer, nextOffer) where
    import IHP.Prelude
    import IHP.ModelSupport
    import IHP.QueryBuilder
    import Generated.Types
    import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
    instance DefaultScope "offers" where
        defaultScope = orderBy #position
    nextPosition :: (?modelContext :: ModelContext) => IO Int
    nextPosition = sqlQueryScalar "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM offers" ()
    prevOffer :: (?modelContext :: ModelContext) => Offer -> IO (Maybe Offer)
    prevOffer offer = do
        results <- sqlQuery "SELECT * FROM offers WHERE position < ? ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1" (PG.Only (get #position offer))
        return $ headMay results
    nextOffer :: (?modelContext :: ModelContext) => Offer -> IO (Maybe Offer)
    nextOffer offer = do
        results <- sqlQuery "SELECT * FROM offers WHERE position > ? ORDER BY position ASC LIMIT 1" (PG.Only (get #position offer))
        return $ headMay results