I am trying to make a spreadsheet on google which will keep the record of tax & vat payment status of our clients. I can receive the record response from "F" & "G" Column with formula. I need to get the Text from "F2" and "G2" cell as a response at Column "C". I have tried and done a lot of brainstorming but I've finished with this formula till now on:
=IF(SUM(F2:G2)+1-1>0,DATA AVAIL)
=IF(SUM(F3:G3)+1-1>0,DATA AVAIL)
=IF(SUM(F4:G4)+1-1>0,DATA AVAIL)
=IF(SUM(F5:G5)+1-1>0,DATA AVAIL)
But I Need to Response with Cell "F2" & "G2" Text. Any Cordial co-operation will be happily received and Thanks for spending enough time behind my problem for a solution.
You can use a couple of if statements like this:
=IF(F3<>"",F$2,IF(G3<>"",G$2,""))&IF(AND(F3<>"",G3<>"")," & "&G$2,"")