In zend framework, how do you guys remove the optgroup from a select element?
Zend puts them by default but I don't want it.
I would think there would be an option like
array( 'optgroup' => false )
Dont't use the optgroup feature, see the 2 examples:
$form = new Zend_Form();
$form->addElement('select', 'city', array(
'label' => 'Nested City List',
'multiOptions' => array(
'Jordan' => array(
'ptr' => 'Petra',
'amm' => 'Amman',
'UAE' => array(
'adb' => 'Abu Dhabi',
'dub' => 'Dubai'
$form->addElement('select', 'city2', array(
'label' => 'Flat City List',
'multiOptions' => array(
'ptr' => 'Petra',
'amm' => 'Amman',
'adb' => 'Abu Dhabi',
'dub' => 'Dubai'