I'm writing firmware using an older C compiler called HC12. Currently I use GNU Make for the build system. I'm hoping to start using CMake, but ran into an issue: The compiler does not support some standard C compiler syntax, namely the "-o" flag.
I've made a custom toolchain file and added all my c flags, but CMake seems to implicitly add the "-o" to compile source files, in the generated GNU Makefiles.
The HC12 compiler allows me to use -objn="name_of_file" to specify the output filename.
My question: Is there a way to get CMake to stop putting the implicit "-o" so that I can use this compiler?
I know there is a GCC port for this processor, but changing compilers at this point isn't an option.
You could take a file like the Modules/Compiler/ti.cmake
as a reference and create one for your HC12 compiler, and also change these macros defined there:
# the input file options from TI, change to what your compiler needs
# They are used below in the command where ${lang} is either C, CXX or ASM
set(__COMPILER_HC12C_SOURCE_FLAG_C "--c_file")
set(__COMPILER_HC12C_SOURCE_FLAG_CXX "--cpp_file")
set(__COMPILER_HC12C_SOURCE_FLAG_ASM "--asm_file")
# add output file option
set(__COMPILER_HC12C_OUTPUT_FLAG_C "--objn")
macro(__compiler_HC12C lang)
# ...
# --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
# ...
Hope, this will help.