for more than 3 hours I'm handling with an issue, what I'm trying to do is sending a get request from react to nodejs using axios library, I wanna pass some data into this request, as we know the get request don't have a body, so I've sent the data as query parameter like that
// base URL
const url = "http://localhost:8080/loginAsTeacher";
if(loginAs === "loginTeacher"){
params :{
email: "",
password: "abc1234*"
.then(res => console.log(res)) // this line return status:200 and data:null
.catch(err => console.log(err.message))
so this request success but the problem is the email and password are not passing to the backend
router.get("/loginAsTeacher", async (req,res)=>{
// values coming from the client
const loginEmail =;
const loginPassword = req.params.password;
console.log(req.params); // this line return {} empty object
// get data of that user by his/her mail
const teacherData = await myModel.findOne({
email: loginEmail
status: 200,
data: teacherData
the console.log above return an empty object, which means there's no parameters
Is this not the right solution ???
thanks for reading
To get your queries you need to get req.query instead of req.params
Btw. it's dangerous to send sensitive data over get. It could be get logged in plaintext even over https