I'm in the midst of migrating a large NativeScript 6.8 JavaScript project to NativeScript 8.1. My current obstacle is adding a service to the new webpack.config.js. Here's the lines from the old file:
resolve(__dirname, "./app/foreground-service.android.js"), // <-- this is the addition
I've read through the referenced documentation several times but am not understanding how to specify this in the new webpack config. I'd welcome any insights.
For context, see this Nativescript-geolocation issue.
For the new webpack in ns8 to build a your custom service, write your webpack.config.js like this:
const webpack = require('@nativescript/webpack')
module.exports = env => {
env.appComponents = (env.appComponents || []).concat(['./src/app/foreground-service.android'])
return webpack.resolveConfig()
More on webpack config for ns8 see https://docs.nativescript.org/webpack.html#webpack-chainwebpack-chainfn-options and https://docs.nativescript.org/advanced-concepts.html#extending-android-activity