I am using the AddVisualizationCallback
functionality for pydrake MathematicalProgram
objects to try and make a progress bar that I can update while the solver is running, so that I can see how my solver is doing without having to look at the overly verbose output coming from SNOPT (which BTW I haven't been able to print to console, only to file). My approach would be something like this:
import pydrake.solvers.mathematicalprogram as mp
from tqdm import tqdm
prog = mp.MathematicalProgram()
pbar = tqdm(total=max_iterations)
def update(x):
prog.AddVisualizationCallback(update, x)
However, my problem is SNOPT has both major and minor iterations, and it seems my update
callback gets called irrespective of it being major or minor. Ideally, I would like it to be called only on a major iteration, otherwise my progress bar will fill sooner than it should.
My question: is there a way to tell whether a particular iteration is a major or minor iteration of SNOPT, such that I could provide that information to my update
callback and only update my progress bar on the major iteration? Alternatively, could I set it so that the visualization callback is ONLY called on major iterations?
I've managed to hack together a solution using the log file that is written by SNOPT:
from tqdm import tqdm
import pydrake.solvers.mathematicalprogram as mp
from pydrake.solvers.snopt import SnoptSolver
prog = mp.MathematicalProgram()
fmax_iterations = 20
log_filename = '/tmp/snopt.out'
log = open(log_filename, 'w+')
pbar = tqdm(total=max_iterations)
def update(x):
lines = log.read()
if 'Itns Major Minors' in lines:
idx = lines.rfind('Itns Major Minors')
header, info = lines[idx:].split('\n')[:2]
for name, val in zip(header.split(), info.split()):
if name == 'Major':
pbar.n = int(val)
prog.AddVisualizationCallback(update, x)
solver_options = mp.SolverOptions()
solver_options.SetOption(mp.CommonSolverOption.kPrintFileName, log_filename)
solver_options.SetOption(SnoptSolver.id(), "Major iterations limit", max_iterations)
solver_options.SetOption(SnoptSolver.id(), "Print frequency", 1)
result = mp.Solve(prog, solver_options=solver_options)
pbar.n = max_iterations
This gives me a nice progress bar while the SNOPT solver is running without all the clutter it's actually printing to its log file:
40%|██████████████▍ | 8/20 [00:07<00:11, 1.07it/s]
It'd be nice to have a programmatic hook into the solver in the callback function, maybe that's possible? Short of that, this seems to do the job.