I am trying to add a border to the 100x100 blue square only, without adding it to the 200x200 background red frame. How would I achieve this? I've experimented with many configurations including parentheses ().
exec("convert -size 200x200 xc:red -size 100x100 -draw rectangle -bordercolor yellow -border 2 xc:blue -geometry +5+5 -composite temp_bg.png ")
Try starting with the blue box, adding a border and then extending like this:
magick -size 100x100 xc:blue -bordercolor lime -border 10 -gravity northwest -background red -extent 400x400 -bordercolor yellow -border 10 result.png
Sorry, no time, gotta dash - add in a -page ...
or -geometry ...
before extent
to set the position of the blue box.