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tsparticles : Interruption in particle motion (defect in movement or has stutter and lag) after build in react

everything works fine in development mode when I use npm run start, but in production and deployed mode after build (npm run build) there is Interruption in particle motion or it's way slow.

I changed and tested all the tsparticles options but it still did not work properly.

my react version is 17.0.2 , typescript 4.5.4 and tsParticles 1.38.0

import Particles from "react-tsparticles";
export const Header = (props:any) => {

return (
          "background": {
            "color": {
              "value": "#00000095"
            "position": "50% 50%",
            "repeat": "no-repeat",
            "size": "cover",
            "opacity": 1,
            "image": "url('/img/bg1.jpg')"

         "backgroundMask": {
           "composite": "destination-out",
           "cover": {
             "color": {
               "value": {
                 "r": 255,
                 "g": 255,
                 "b": 255
             "opacity": 1
           "enable": true

         "fullScreen": {
           "enable": false,
           "zIndex": -10
         "interactivity": {
           "events": {
             "onClick": {
               "enable": true,
               "mode": "push"
             "onHover": {
               "enable": true,
               "mode": "bubble",
               "parallax": {
                 "force": 60
         "particles": {
           "color": {
             "value": "#ffffff"
           "move": {
             "attract": {
               "rotate": {
                 "x": 600,
                 "y": 1200
             "enable": true,
             "outModes": {
               "bottom": "out",
               "left": "out",
               "right": "out",
               "top": "out",
               "default": "none"
             "direction": "right",
             "speed": 2
           "number": {
             "density": {
               "enable": true,
             "value": 60
           "opacity": {
             "value": {
               "min": 0.1,
               "max": 0.5
             "animation": {
               "enable": true,
               "speed": 1,
               "minimumValue": 0.1
           "shape": {
             "options": {
               "polygon": {
                 "sides": 5
               "star": {
                 "sides": 5
             "type": "square"

           "size": {
             "random": {
               "enable": true,
               "minimumValue": 0,
             "value": {
               "min": 5,
               "max": 20
             "animation": {
               "speed": 10,
               "minimumValue": 0.1


I also changed the values of the retina_detect and detectRetina to false but it was not resolved.


  • I found the reason for this issue, there is a problem with the build tool or bundle file that occurs when using the npm run build command.

    now I am building the project with Webpack and there is no interruption but not full fixed.

    also may be solved by changing the browserslist in package.json

    Following for more details this issue: