I am currently learning C and I am using Code Blocks. I think that VS as an IDE is more modern and would run better. So I have 2 questions. Does VS support C? And if so, is it worth it moving from Codeblocks to VS? I mean Codeblocks is built to run C but while VS isn't, so will I gain anything from changing my IDE?
Thanks in adavnce
In Visual Studio you can use any compiler. Visual Studio has also built in very nice Cmake & VC support.
If you want to compile as C using standard msvc compiler you need to set it in the project properties:
The only problem is that msvc still does not fully support C99 features.
If you want to use gcc you need to set it up in the project properties (this example is for g++ and C++ but you simply need to change the compiler.
There is plenty information on the net how to set the intellisense to be gcc & clang compatible (VS uses Edison Design Group intellisense)