In Go, the container/heap
package can be used as a PriorityQueue --
Is there any Go package for multi level priority queue? If not, how to write one myself?
By "multi level priority queue", here is what I mean:
Sample result can be
course A: 99 98 98
course B: 92 90 88
course C: 91 89 87
course D:
with top 3 highest marks of 90 89 88
are not in top 3 courses.
There might be cases that there isn't enough students marks to fill all top N highest marks. E.g.:
course E: 85 82
course F: 83
course G: 82 80 78
Further on the requirements, In reality,
You don't need any sort of exotic queue structure to solve it. You don't even need a priority queue at all, though it's a simple way to do the select-k operation. (If you don't need your outputs to be sorted relative to each other but just be the top N in some order, it's more efficient to use a selection algorithm like quickselect.)
For task 2, you simply need to iterate through all marks, building the top mark for each course. Once you've done that, you find the top N courses. Once you've done that, iterate through all marks again, filtering the ones for those courses into separate containers. Then just do a select-k in each one.
The running time of this approach is O(m + N^2 log N)
(where m
is the total number of marks) if you use a priority queue, and O(m + N^2)
if you use an efficient selection algorithm. The latter time bound is the best possible for the problem, because O(m)
inputs need to be examined and O(N^2)
outputs need to be generated.