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A new user belonging to a new application role doesnt' see Create Report option in OBIEE

Our team has recently created a new user fb_user that belongs to a new group FB_USERS. From EM we created a new application role BIFbRole using 'Create like' option on BIContentAuthor role. The group FB_USERS is added as members of the new role.

However when this user logs into OBIEE and clicks 'New' button, he sees only options to create an Analyses, Dashboard, Filter, Dashboard promt, Condition, KPI and Agent. That is he is not able to create a Publisher Report or Data Model or Mobile App.

We couldn't find an option to enable this in 'Manage Priveleges' section of OBIEE. We know that BIContentAuthor role has publisher.developReport and publisher.developDataModel permissions, but wouldn't creating a new role using Create like on BIContentAuthor automaticall assign this permission to newly created role?

Have anyone faced this kind of issue?


  • You're missing the second half of what makes up security: Application Policies. They're also in EM and they control access to DV, BI Publisher etc.