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Vaadin SCSS Compilation fails- File to import not found or unreadable: ../valo/valo.scss

I am working on migration from Vaadin 8 to Vaadin 14 LTS in MPR. The .scss files used in our project need to be compiled. I used the following plugins

          <!--<style>DETAILED</style> -->
          <!-- End development options -->
                  <!-- Set source and destination dirs -->

I get error as below

File to import not found or unreadable: ../valo/valo.scss.

Full error:

Compilation of template C:/LBWS/source/component/frontend/addon/va/ui/src/main/webapp/VAADIN/themes/headerTheme/styles.scss failed: File to import not found or unreadable: ../valo/valo.scss.
Load path: C:/LBWS/source/component/frontend/addon/va/ui/src/main/webapp/VAADIN/themes/headerTheme

From the links below,

Error when to compile my theme with vaadin 7.3 and valo theme

Compiling Sass files in NetBeans without Maven - Valo theme not found

I understand the problem, but I already imported the vaadin-themes dependency in my project


Still, the problem is not resolved. Any help on this, please.

The UI class built in Vaadin 8 and migrated to 14

import com.vaadin.annotations.Theme;

import com.vaadin.flow.component.dependency.StyleSheet;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.orderedlayout.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield.TextField;
import com.vaadin.flow.router.Route;

import com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinSession;
import com.vaadin.mpr.core.HasLegacyComponents;

import com.vaadin.mpr.core.MprTheme;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;

public class MyUI extends VerticalLayout implements HasLegacyComponents {

  private ExceptionManager exceptionManager;

  public MyUI() {
    EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();
    VaadinSession.getCurrent().getSession().setAttribute("eventBus", eventBus);

    MyUIPresenter myUIPresenter = new MyUIPresenter (false);

    myUIPresenter .addShortLink("Shortlink");

    myUIPresenter .addTab("Tab1", "");
    myUIPresenter .addTab("Tab2", "");
    myUIPresenter .addTab("Tab3", "");

    List<HeaderMenuItem> leftMenuContent = new ArrayList<>();
    leftMenuContent.add(new ExampleToggleButton());
    leftMenuContent.add(new ExampleSimpleButton());
    leftMenuContent.add(new ExampleHeaderCheckBox());
    myUIPresenter .addLeftMenuContent(leftMenuContent);

    TextField testField = new TextField();
    testField.setLabel("This is Vaadin 14 Component");
    add(myUIPresenter .getView());


@import "../valo/valo.scss";
@import "va/header.scss";

@mixin myTheme{
  @include valo;
  @include header;



  • Couple of notes for you

    • SASS compiler is not needed in pom.xml, Vaadin 8 framework itself contains SASS compiler, which is invoked by the vaadin-flow-plugin

    • You need to have vaadin-themes depedency

      com.vaadin vaadin-themes ${vaadin8.version}
    • Both vaadin-maven-plugin and vaadin-flow-plugin needs to be correctly configured

    • A good reference pom.xml can be found here: