I want to build a pine script which will count total up ticks volume and total down ticks volume in a real time daily bar. How do I do that? I don't want to use security function because it has limitations.
This can be done by making use of varip to declare your variables.
Please read through the documentation on varip
to fully understand how it works.
Then have a look at some open source example scripts to see how it's used.
Example of how it could be implemented:
indicator("Intrabar Tick Volume", "ITV", overlay=true)
varip int tickDirection = na
varip int tickCount = 0
varip float volumeUp = 0
varip float volumeDown = 0
varip float prevTickVolume = 0
varip float prevTickClose = 0
if barstate.isnew
tickCount := 0
volumeUp := 0
volumeDown := 0
prevTickVolume := 0
prevTickClose := close[1]
tickCount += 1
tickDirection := close > prevTickClose ? 1 : close < prevTickClose ? -1 : 0
if tickDirection == 1 //uptick
volumeUp += volume - prevTickVolume
else if tickDirection == -1 //downtick
volumeDown += volume - prevTickVolume
// Save data of current tick to use as previous tick values on next tick.
prevTickClose := close
prevTickVolume := volume
plotchar(tickCount, 'tickCount', '')
plotchar(close, 'close', '')
plotchar(tickDirection, 'tickDirection', '')
plotchar(volume, 'volume', '')
plotchar(volumeUp, 'volumeUp', '')
plotchar(volumeDown, 'volumeDown', '')