I try to input a marker position by fetching an API into the map but doesn't work.
Here is my component's code.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker } from 'react-leaflet'
const Map = () => {
const [parcels, setParcels] = useState([])
const center = [14.881999606787934, 102.02071765448805]
useEffect(async () => {
try {
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/parcels/all')
const getParcels = await res.json()
} catch (e) {
}, [])
const position = parcels.map((parcel) => {
return [parcel.location.coordinates[1], parcel.location.coordinates[0]]
return (
<MapContainer center={center} zoom={15} scrollWheelZoom={false} className="h-screen">
attribution='© Taxmap'
<Marker position={position[0]}></Marker>
export default Map
Error message from the console.
If I use console.log() to see the position[0]. It looks like normally.
// result = [14.8763983, 102.0169941]
But when I create a variable normally. It can work.
const positionButArray = [14.8763983, 102.0169941]
return (
<MapContainer center={center} zoom={15} scrollWheelZoom={false} className="h-screen">
attribution='© Taxmap'
<Marker position={positionButArray}></Marker>
If anyone has a solution please help me. Thanks
I have solved the problem by just adding a ternary operator to check if a position is rendered or not. If the position is rendered, It's going to return the Marker tag. here is my solution.
return (
<MapContainer center={center} zoom={15} scrollWheelZoom={false} className="h-screen">
attribution='© Taxmap'
{positions? <Marker position={positions[0]}></Marker>:null}