I have a Jdbc Layer which is returning Flux. While returning the data, the fromPublisher method, it's accepting other Serializable classes, but the method is not accepting Flux.
Approach 1
public Mono<ServerResponse> getNames(final ServerRequest request) {
Flux<String> strings = Flux.just("a", "b", "c");
return ServerResponse.ok().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON)
.body(fromPublisher(response), String.class);
Above approach is returning abc combined as a Single String.
I tried this,
return ServerResponse.ok()
.body(BodyInserters.fromValue(response), List.class);
I tried this aswell.
Mono<List<String>> mono = response.collectList();
.body(fromPublisher(mono, String.class));
but this is also giving a Runtime error of
> body' should be an object, for reactive types use a variant specifying
> a publisher/producer and its related element type
This is working.
Mono<List<String>> strings = Flux.just("a", "b", "c").collectList();
return strings.flatMap(string -> ServerResponse.ok()