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StoreKit SKStoreProductViewController in React Native

I'm looking to add StoreKit's SKStoreProductViewController into a React Native project (without using a third-party library). Would like the Store view to show up as a modal when the user taps a "get app" button, which will pass the iTunesID of the product to be displayed.

While RN's documentation explains how to integrate a native view component into a project, I'm not sure I'm understanding how this would translate to a view controller.

While I prefer a solution in objective-c, I can accept a solution that uses Swift.


  • I was able to parse what I needed from Though I had tried installing the package, it had some breaking issues - but I extracted the key elements and documented them in this Gist:

    In a nutshell:

    1. Pull in native libraries and StoreKit component in new header and Obj-C files in your root app directory (RCTStoreViewManager.m and RCTStoreViewManager.h);
    2. Create a bridge file to connect js methods with the Obj-C / native methods (index.ts);
    3. Pull the js methods into your RN component (Component.js)