I'm very much new to Ktor. I'm totally confused that does Ktor provides any inbuilt database and any interface where we can actually see our data in tabular form (Like in MySQL) or like as in Firebase Database (In Colection-Documents Form).
I want to build an Android Application that will require an database.
As an API i am trying to use Ktor. I have watched some of the tutorials for basics of it and all of them uses an variable to store all the data and then refer them.
For Example -
val rabbits = listOf(
Rabbit("Carl", "A cute brown rabbit", "$BASE_URL/rabbits/rabbit1.jpg"),
Rabbit("Emma", "Emma likes to eat apples", "$BASE_URL/rabbits/rabbit2.jpg"),
Please Tell me if there is an inbuilt database for Ktor if not what is the best database that Ktor supports the best.
Ktor is only a web client -- it doesn't store data in the way you're thinking. For Kotlin on Android, as long as your data is relatively small and simple, regular lists/maps should suffice. More complex and large-volume data will need in-memory databases, persistent storage on the device, or more, but in most use-cases, this isn't needed.