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Filter azure cli output based on nested array values with jmespath

I'm trying to filter the output from the following Azure CLI command based on the artifacts[].alias value.


az pipelines release definition list --artifact-type build

Output (simplified)

        "artifacts": [
                "alias": "alias_with_suffix",
                "definitionReference": {
                    "IsMultiDefinitionType": {
                        "id": "False",
                        "name": "False"
                "type": "Build"
        "createdOn": "2021-06-16T15:15:07.620000+00:00",
        "id": 88,
        "isDeleted": false,
        "modifiedOn": "2021-09-15T10:39:14.257000+00:00",
        "revision": 5
        "artifacts": [
                "alias": "alias",
                "definitionReference": {
                    "IsMultiDefinitionType": {
                        "id": "False",
                        "name": "False"
                "type": "Build"
        "createdOn": "2021-06-16T15:15:07.620000+00:00",
        "id": 88,
        "isDeleted": false,
        "modifiedOn": "2021-09-15T10:39:14.257000+00:00",
        "revision": 5
        "artifacts": null,
        "createdOn": "2021-06-16T15:15:07.620000+00:00",
        "id": 88,
        "isDeleted": false,
        "modifiedOn": "2021-09-15T10:39:14.257000+00:00",
        "revision": 5

Expected Output

        "artifacts": [
                "alias": "alias_with_suffix",
                "definitionReference": {
                    "IsMultiDefinitionType": {
                        "id": "False",
                        "name": "False"
                "type": "Build"
        "createdOn": "2021-06-16T15:15:07.620000+00:00",
        "id": 88,
        "isDeleted": false,
        "modifiedOn": "2021-09-15T10:39:14.257000+00:00",
        "revision": 5

So far i have tried the following:

  • az pipelines release definition list --artifact-type build --query "[artifacts[?ends_with(alias, '_suffix')]]"
  • az pipelines release definition list --artifact-type build --query "[].[artifacts[?ends_with(alias, '_suffix')]]"
  • az pipelines release definition list --artifact-type build --query "[].artifacts[?ends_with(alias, '_suffix')]"

I've also tried to use something like [*]..... or pipe results between commands like [] | []..... (with or without the *) but I always get something like [null] or some output with a list of null mixed with valid values.


  • For this, you will have to have a "nested" filter expression, because you are interested in the "parent" object based on the fact that a condition in the array of key artifacts is true.

    So, given the query:

    [?artifacts[?ends_with(alias, '_suffix')]]

    You end up, with the JSON you provided as input, with this resulting JSON:

        "artifacts": [
            "alias": "alias_with_suffix",
            "definitionReference": {
              "IsMultiDefinitionType": {
                "id": "False",
                "name": "False"
            "type": "Build"
        "createdOn": "2021-06-16T15:15:07.620000+00:00",
        "id": 88,
        "isDeleted": false,
        "modifiedOn": "2021-09-15T10:39:14.257000+00:00",
        "revision": 5