The gt package allows for a few cell padding parameters to be passed within tab_options(). For example, data_row.padding and footnotes.padding. However, there are no parameters available which affect the table header or column labels parts of the gt Table.
Is there any way to control the cell padding within the table header or column labels parts of the gt Table?
Reproducible example with massive cell padding for demonstration:
gt_tbl <- gt(data = mtcars) %>%
title = "mtcars dataset") %>%
tab_options(data_row.padding = px(35))
There are arguments within tab_options()
for handling padding of the requested elements.
gt(data = mtcars) %>%
title = "mtcars dataset") %>%
tab_options(data_row.padding = px(35),
column_labels.padding = px(35),
heading.padding = px(35))