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MySQL query - Select statement from two tables with group by returning records with largest ids

I really need help from you, I've spend a lot of time already on trying to figure it out but without success :(

I have two tables:

What I need is to group everything by sea_id / bat_season and gain the greatest Id's for these seasons. So bat_id's 3 & 5 should be returned with their linked data. But if there is no data in Table 2 I still should see details of two seasons without Table 2 details.

My closest result is here with the below statement:

SELECT b.bat_id, b.bat_trophies, b.bat_ranking, s.sea_id, s.sea_name, s.sea_start 
FROM gvg_seasons s 
LEFT JOIN (SELECT bat_id, bat_trophies, bat_ranking, bat_season FROM gvg_battles ORDER BY bat_id DESC LIMIT 1) b 
ON s.sea_id = b.bat_season 
WHERE s.sea_gl_id = 1
GROUP BY s.sea_id DESC

The result: Result

If someone can help me here please I will be very grateful.


  • I haven't tried this as I didn't fancy transcribing the table data from your images but it should provide the result you are looking for.

    The innermost sub-query gets the max(bat_id) per bat_season. This is joined back to the gvg_battles to give the latest battle per season.

    SELECT *
    FROM gvg_seasons s
        SELECT b1.*
        FROM gvg_battles b1
        JOIN (
            SELECT bat_season, MAX(bat_id) AS max_bat_id
            FROM gvg_battles
            GROUP BY bat_season
        ) b_max ON b1.bat_id = b_max.max_bat_id
    ) b2 ON s.sea_id = b2.bat_season;