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Transfom file path into Ruby nested Class using regex syntax transform

I try to change this (VSCode RELATIVE_FILEPATH variable):


into this:


What I got so far:


but the result is not great


I'm doing this to create myself a snippet but this regex is a little bit to much for me.

I've used something similar in Sublime but there it was done with some code in python so can't be referenced from there.


  • You can use


    See the regex demo. Details:

    • ^(?:.*?[\\\/])?app[\\\/]\w+[\\\/] - start of string, any zero or more chars other than line break chars as few as possible, then \ or /, then an app, a \ or /, one or more word chars, \ or /
    • | - or
    • ([^\\\/]+?) - Group 1: one or more chars other than \ and / as few as possible
    • (?:\.rb$|([\\\/])) - a non-capturing group matching either .rb at the end of string, or \ / / (captured into Group 2).

    The replacement is ${1:/pascalcase}${2:+::}:

    • ${1:/pascalcase} - replace the match with Group 1 turned into PasCal case
    • ${2:+::} - if Group 2 matched, also add :: to the replacement.