I am working on an update statement for an AS400 DB/2 table. It needs to have multiple rows updated using data from another table with matching fields. Our version of the driver displays is: 05.04.0000 OS/400 V5R4M0
I am having trouble figuring out the correct syntax to use.
Here is the basic CTE I am using to collect the correct data to use:
with tablesql as
select *
from TBL1CPY
tableAS400 as
select *
from TBL1
where LDT = '20220104' AND US ='ADMIN'
tableSQLFrmJoin as
select s.*
from tablesql s, tableAS400 a
where s.prj = a.prj AND s.PN = a.PN AND s.IN = a.IN
Here are a few different things I have tried with the CTE:
1) update TBL1 t1
set (STS) = ( select STS from tableSQLFrmJoin ) t2
where t1.prj = t2.prj AND t1.PN = t2.PN AND t1.IN = t2.IN
*this throws the error: Error Source: IBMDA400 Command, Error Message: SQL0199: Keyword Update not expected...*
(select * from tableSQLFrmJoin) t2
on (t1.prj = t2.prj AND t1.PN = t2.PN AND t1.IN = t2.IN)
when matched then
update SET STS = 'TST'
*this throws the error: Error Source: IBMDA400 Command, Error Message: SQL0104: Token MERGE not expected...*
3) update tbl1 t1, tableSQLFrmJoin t2
set t1.STS = 'tst'
where t1.prj = t2.prj AND t1.PN = t2.PN AND t1.IN = t2.IN
*this throws the error: Error Source: IBMDA400 Command, Error Message: SQL0199: Keyword Update not expected...*
The result should update matching rows in tbl1 with data from the CTE "tableSQLFrmJoin"
Right now to get the query working I am just using test data for the set cases.
Using a simple,
Select * from tableSQLFrmJoin
works as expected. So the CTE as it's written is supported and works correctly when using a select statement.
you'll need something like so
update TBL1 t1
set STS = (select sts
from TBL1CPY cp
where cp.prj = t1.prj AND cp.PN = t1.PN AND cp.IN = t1.IN
where LDT = '20220104' AND US ='ADMIN';
Note that the above assumes there will always be a single matching row or that STS can be null if there's no matching row.
If there's no matching row and STS can't be null, then you'll need
update TBL1 t1
set STS = (select sts
from TBL1CPY cp
where cp.prj = t1.prj AND cp.PN = t1.PN AND cp.IN = t1.IN
where LDT = '20220104' AND US ='ADMIN'
and exists (select 1
from TBL1CPY cp
where cp.prj = t1.prj AND cp.PN = t1.PN AND cp.IN = t1.IN