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Converting Vuetify 1.x v-slot activator to 2.x via v-data-table

I have a piece of working code from Veutify 1.5.6 that includes an icon inside of a data table that, when clicked, displays a menu. When clicked the activator shows the list that was activated.

I have a codepen with this example

I want the same functionality, but Vuetify 2 does not have slot="activator".

It looks like they use v-slot:activator="{ on }" with a template tag, but I can't get this replicated over.

This is my attempt at it.

  <template v-slot:[`item.statusIcon`]="{ item }">
    <td style="cursor: pointer;">
      <v-icon :class="item.status">{{item.statusIcon}}
          <template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
                  v-for="(status, index) in statusItems"
                  @click="setStatus(item, status.title)"
                  >{{ status.title }}></v-list-item>

There's definitely something small I'm missing and I know that the v-icon should be under the template, but I keep getting this error

'v-slot' directive must be owned by a custom element, but 'td', 'div', 'template' is not

I found this thread, but still no help.

Any help would be appreciated


  • You should wrap the icon with v-menu component then use this icon as menu activator :

    <v-menu offset-y>
           <template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
             <v-icon   v-on="on" :class="item.status">{{item.statusIcon}}
                      v-for="(status, index) in statusItems"
                      @click="setStatus(item, status.title)"
                      >{{ status.title }}></v-list-item>