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How do I read a csv file from inside a docker container postgres:12?

I want to import a csv file, into the postgreSQL table inside the docker-compose container from the image postgres:12. I can read the file from the application backend, for example:

pd.read_csv(pth.dirname(__file__) + '/file_name.csv')

Where file path is:


but when I try to access the same file from the container \copy data_table(id, ...) FROM '/opt/project/backend_api/directory_name/file_name.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER; No such file or directory error. So how I can allow to the container to read this path, or how to add the file to location where I'll be able to reach it?


  • to add the file to location where I'll be able to reach it?

    Since your container already running, you can copy the file into the container: docker cp file_name.csv <container id>:/opt/project/backend_api/directory_name/file_name.csv and try your pg command.