I have an audio player app using just_audio plugin. How to play and stop audio at a specific time?
For example, I have an audio file that is 20 minutes long. I want when I press play button, the audio will run at the 5th minute and stop at the 8th minute.
Here is my code:
void _setInitialPlaylist() async {
final myAudio1 = Uri.parse("asset:///audio/myAudio.mp3"); // I want this audio play at 00.05.00, stop at 00.08.00
final myAudio2 = Uri.parse("asset:///audio/myAudio.mp3"); // I want this audio play at 00.09.00, stop at 00.12.00
final myAudio3 = Uri.parse("asset:///audio/myAudio.mp3"); // I want this audio play at 00.15.00, stop at 00.19.00
_playlist = ConcatenatingAudioSource(children: [
AudioSource.uri(myAudio1, tag: 'myAudio1'),
AudioSource.uri(myAudio2, tag: 'myAudio2'),
AudioSource.uri(myAudio3, tag: 'myAudio3'),
await _audioPlayer.setAudioSource(_playlist);
From the documentation:
await player.setClip(start: Duration(seconds: 10), end: Duration(seconds: 20));
await player.play(); // Waits until the clip has finished playing
In your case it becomes:
await player.setClip(start: Duration(minutes: 5), end: Duration(minutes: 8));
await player.play();