Search code examples

Bulk insert from CSV - country codes are not coming to SQL table

I have a simple CSV file including 60 rows of data like below:

"Name","City","Region","Primary Phone","Postal Code"
"MyCompany Inc.","Toronto","GTA","+1 (416) 999-9999","M5G 1Z8"

In my SQL query, I read the file using bulk insert like below:

CREATE TABLE #RegionalOffices (
        [REIT] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL,
        [City] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL,
        [Region] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL,
        [PrimaryPhone] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL,
        [PostalCode] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL
BULK INSERT #RegionalOffices
FROM 'C:\Scripts\regionaloffices.csv'
    FIRSTROW = 2,
    FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',  --CSV field delimiter
    ROWTERMINATOR = '\n',   --Use to shift the control to next row
    CODEPAGE = '65000',

Here how my data seems in the table when i do select *:

Name               City       Region   PrimaryPhone      PostalCode
"MyCompany Inc."   "Toronto"  "GTA"    "(416) 999-9999"  "M5G 1Z8"

My problem is: The country code "+1" does not come to the table from the csv file, same happens for every other rows and I don't see why it is happening. Any help would be appreciated.


  • It is working for me.

    I modified CODEPAGE = '65001'

    Starting from SQL Server 2017 onwards there is one more parameter BULK INSERT parameter FORMAT='CSV'. It removes double quotes delimiter for each column.


    USE tempdb;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.RegionalOffices;
    CREATE TABLE dbo.RegionalOffices
        [REIT] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL,
        [City] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL,
        [Region] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL,
        [PrimaryPhone] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL,
        [PostalCode] [NVARCHAR](255) NULL
    BULK INSERT dbo.RegionalOffices
    FROM 'e:\temp\regionaloffices.csv'
        FIRSTROW = 2,
        FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',  --CSV field delimiter
        ROWTERMINATOR = '\n',   --Use to shift the control to next row
        CODEPAGE = '65001',
    -- test
    SELECT * FROM dbo.RegionalOffices;


    |       REIT       |   City    | Region |    PrimaryPhone     | PostalCode |
    | "MyCompany Inc." | "Toronto" | "GTA"  | "+1 (416) 999-9999" | "M5G 1Z8"  |