We are developing an application that requires v2 reCAPTCHA.
We would ideally like to use the same siteKey
for Android, iOS, and Web.
When the siteKey
used for web is used for Android it says the token is invalid. The only option that seems to work on Android is selecting reCAPTCHA Android and making a new key. Android is using the SafetyNet API as recommended by google.
Do we need different site keys for Android, iOS, and web? With each siteKey
comes to a new secretKey
We would like to have one secretKey
on the backend used to validate everything.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
According to https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha-enterprise/docs/create-key we need different keys because we need PACKAGE_NAMES for android, BUNDLE_IDS for iOS, and DOMAINS for web.