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Changing bool on this from inside lambda

I have a bool on a AActor, that I'd like to change from a lambda function, how shall I capture the bool so it is actually changed? I currently use [&], which should pass this by reference as I understand it, however changing the bool from inside the lambda function doesn't change it on the actor.

[&] () { bMyBool = true; };

EDIT 1: more info

bool is defined in the header of the class as protected.

    UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, VisibleAnywhere)
    bool bMagBoots;

I have a function to bind a delegate to an input action, that should call the lambda.

void ASPCharacterActor::BindLambdaToAction(UInputComponent* InputComponent, FName ActionName,
EInputEvent InputEventType, TFunctionRef<void()> ActionHandler)
    FInputActionHandlerSignature ActionHandlerSignature;

    FInputActionBinding ActionBinding = FInputActionBinding(ActionName, InputEventType);
    ActionBinding.ActionDelegate = ActionHandlerSignature;

Then I call the function inside BeginPlay. The lambda gets called when I press the button, however the bool won't change outside the lambda function. If I print it out inside the lambda it did change, so I think it just gets copied instead of referenced.

void ASPCharacterActor::BeginPlay()

    BindLambdaToAction(InputComponent, "MagBoots", IE_Pressed, [&]
        bMagBoots = true;


  • I have no idea what you have done, but your code will do what we expect by using the following environment around your single code line:

    int main()
        bool bMyBool = false;
        auto l= [&] () { bMyBool = true; };
        std::cout << bMyBool << std::endl;

    And as in your edit mentioned, you use it in a class context:

    // Same in class context:
    class X
            bool bMyBool = false;
            std::function<void(void)> lam; 
            void CreateAndStoreLambda() 
                lam= [&] () { bMyBool = true; };
                // or you can capture this to access all vars of the instance like:
                // lam= [this] () { bMyBool = true; };
            void CallLambda()
                std::cout << bMyBool << std::endl;
    int main()
        X x; 

    see it running