Search code examples

How is the most efficient way to intersect a list of strings with a numpy array of matches?

I am using aho corasick to performing some string searches on documents. The original code uses numpy array to store in an efficient way the matches of each string of a string list:

import ahocorasick
import numpy as np

def ahocorasickFind(search_list, input):
    A = ahocorasick.Automaton()
    for idx, s in enumerate(search_list):
        A.add_word(s, (idx, s))

    index_list = []
    for item in A.iter(input):

    output_list = np.array([0] * len(search_list))
    output_list[index_list] = 1
    return output_list.tolist()

search_list = ['joão','maria','thiago'] # thousands of words in the real code
result = ahocorasickFind(search_list,'asdasdasd joão 1231231 thiago') # huge text in the real code
for index, element in enumerate(result):
    if(element == 1):

Using the above approach took to much time and memory to iterate and test (if == 1). So, how to get "original" strings found in the input text in a perfomatic way?


  • If you are only interested in matching for words (i.e. separated by a white space), rather than using a full search text, it might be faster to use a set of words. Note, however, that this uses some additional memory. One straightforward solution to replicate your behaviour would be:

    words = set(text.split())
    for w in search_list:
        if w in words:

    or even shorter (but changing the order of the result, and deleting duplicates from the search list):

    for w in set(search_list).intersection(text.split()):

    I've quickly tested it on relatively large text object (143M characters, 23M words) and a rather short search_list object (606 words, of which 295 unique ones), and the times I got are:

    • corasick: 14.5s
    • first version above: 4.6s
    • second version above: 2.6s (this speedup is just due to doing half the work only by skipping duplicates)

    However the first version uses a (relatively) negligible amount of additional memory, while the other versions use quite a lot of it (for the data I was using, could be almost 2GB of additional memory)