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Rendering form via Ajax - Symfony 5

Up to Symfony 4, I used to load a form, via Ajax, returning something like this:

$result = $this->renderView('my/template.html.twig',[
    'form' => $form->createView()
return new Response($result);

Since Symfony 5, this is not working anymore. I tried every posible combination using $this->renderForm(), $this->render() and 'form'=>$form, with no success. What's the trick?


  • Try with

    return new JsonResponse(['view' => $this->render('path/to_view.html.twig')->getContent()]);

    It will return a json response to your Ajax call. You can access to 'view' key (name it as you want) which contain the html content of the page rendering [$this->render()->getContent]. This is the way I use in my Symfony 5.4 project.