My goal is to get the red color to display over the whole svg when static\and have it change to blue with a white apple when hovered over. I have it able to change to blue when hovered over currently, and the white to work when it is hovered over, but I'm not sure how to get the white and the blue to work together.
.statecolor {
fill: #A72C2A;
.statecolor:hover {
fill: #48A8BD;
.cls-2:hover {
fill: #fff
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<a href="va.html">
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You can create a CSS selector that also takes the apple into account when you hover the entire thing: .statecolor:hover .cls-2
.statecolor {
fill: #A72C2A;
.statecolor:hover {
fill: #48A8BD;
.statecolor:hover .cls-2 {
fill: #fff
<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 134.05 73.96">
<a href="va.html">
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