My understanding is that "brew install python" installs the latest version of python. Why isn't it pulling 3.10? 3.10 is marked as a stable release.
I can install 3.10 with "brew install python@3.10 just fine and can update my PATH so that python and pip point to the right versions. But I am curious why "brew install python" its not installing 3.10.
My other understanding is that 3.10 is directly compatible with the M1 chips so that is why I want 3.10.
Please let me know if I am mistaken.
As Henry Schreiner have specified now Python 3.10 is the new default in Brew. Thx for pointing it
--- Obsolete --- The "python3" formula is still 3.9 in the brew system check the doc here:
The latest version of the formula for 3.9 also support apple silicon.
If you want to use python3.10 you need to run as you described brew install python@3.10
The reason why 3.9 is still the official python3 formula is that generally user using the vanilla python3 are not looking for the latest revision but the more stable. in some months the transition will done.