I would like to create a directed graph with use of the networkx
library in python
I have a pandas
dataframe that looks like this:
Head Mounted Display Marker Smartphone
2D data extrusion 3 0 1
AgiSoft PhotoScan 3D design 1 2 2
AuGeo Esri AR template 1 1 2
BIM 1 1 0
Blender 3D design 0 2 4
Bluetooth localization 1 1 0
CityEngine 3 1 2
GIS data processing 3 1 2
GNSS localization 1 2 4
Google ARCore 0 1 5
Google SketchUp 3D design 1 2 0
Image Stitching 1 1 4
Java Development Kit 0 1 0
SLAM 1 2 2
Unity 3D 8 12 10
Unreal Engine 1 1 0
Vuforia 2 7 3
As input for the "networkx.DiGraph.add_weighted_edges_from" function I need to format this in a list of 3-tuples like this:
('Head Mounted Display', '2D data extrusion', 3),
('Head Mounted Display', 'Agisoft PhotoScan 3D design', 1),
('Head Mounted Display','AuGeo Esri AR template', 1),
Furthermore, tuples that have a weight of 0 such as:
('Marker', '2D data extrusion', 0)
need to be removed from the list.
Anyone any idea how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
Similar to the answer by @SultanOrazbayev you can melt the dataframe, but you can utilize the nx.from_pandas_edgelist
function to directly use the melted dataframe without having to create the list of tuples.
# Sample df
df = pd.DataFrame({'Head Mounted Display':[3,1,1,1,0],'Marker':[0,2,1,1,2],'Smartphone':[1,2,2,0,4]})
# melt the dataframe and filter out the rows with weight of zero
df_long_temp = df.reset_index().melt(id_vars='index',var_name='to',value_name='weight')
df_long = df_long_temp[df_long_temp['weight'] != 0]
# create the graph with edge weights
g = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df_long,source='index',target='to',
# drawing the graph
pos = nx.spring_layout(g)
weight_dict = {(u,v):'w={}'.format(w) for u,v,w in g.edges(data='weight')}