Search code examples

laravel scout add additional attribute (only in meilisearch)

I try to migrate a SQL based search to meilisearch using laravel scout.

At the moment the whole search should be migrated to meilisearch, including all filter and sorting options.

A product has a relation to feedbacks (product model):

//returns all feedbacks for the product
public function allFeedbacks()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Feedback');

I would like to include the amount of feedbacks to meilisearch, but not the whole relation, since it's not required for sorting.

How can I add additional fields to be index by meilisearch, without including a field into the mySQL database (feedback_amount f.e.)?


  • In Product.php:

    public function toSearchableArray() {
      $fields = [
        'feedback_amount' => $this->allFeedbacks()->count(),
        'price' => $this->price,
        'other_stuff' => $this->other_stuff
      return $fields;

    Then flush and import the model again.

    This will override the parent toSearchableArray() so you will want to include any other fields you want searchable.