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Execute command on clicking on a GTK notebook tab

I want to run a command when clicking on a GTK notebook tab. Like the motherboard tab in the image below.

example app

My goal here is to run some terminal commands to get motherboard info. But I don't want to run them as soon as i open the application. It would make the app slow. Inside the tab i have a box layout. and inside it i have two labels.

motherboard tab

I did try I am using GTK+ from python3.8, And designing the UI file using glade.


  • You can use the switch_page signal and run command in the signal handler.

    Simple example:

    import gi
    gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
    from gi.repository import Gtk
    def on_page_switch(notebook, page, page_num):
        print("Page %d selected" % page_num)
    win = Gtk.Window()
    win.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)
    notebook = Gtk.Notebook()
    page1 = Gtk.Box()
    page2 = Gtk.Box()
    notebook.connect("switch_page", on_page_switch)

    You get the page widget in the signal handler so you can "fill" the motherboard info from it.