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How to pass the yaml property to Uber Cadence cronSchedule annotation

I am new to uber Cadence and trying to write a cron scheduled task. Cadence provided a cronSchedule annotation (find an example online) which takes a cron expression string for the method to be triggered at specific time. However, I want this cron expression to be loaded according to what we set in the yml file. Is there any way to do it? I currently only found this @cronSchedule annotation way to do it. I also found there is a WorkflowOption that I can set the cronSchedule. However, don't know how to use it to trigger the method. Below is the current code.

public interface CronTask {

            workflowId = CRON_WORKFLOW_ID,
            taskList = TASK_LIST,
            executionStartToCloseTimeoutSeconds = 30,
            workflowIdReusePolicy = WorkflowIdReusePolicy.TerminateIfRunning
    @CronSchedule("*/1 * * * *") 
    void kickOff(String name);

If there is no way to achieve this. Does anyone know if we can simply replace this @CronSchedule annotation with spring @Scheduled? Will the annotation WorkflowMethod still work as expected?


  • In Temporal you can do it through WorkflowOptions:

        WorkflowOptions workflowOptions =
                .setCronSchedule("* * * * *")
        // Create the workflow client stub. It is used to start our workflow execution.
        GreetingWorkflow workflow = client.newWorkflowStub(GreetingWorkflow.class, workflowOptions);

    I believe Cadence has a similar capability.