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Clickhouse ASOF left Join right table Nullable column is not implemented

I have tried to find the answer in the doc and in other forums but failed to understand. Doc: CH doc

My tables are similar to: stack overflow question

I would like to get the order price right before a trade (and also return the order ts and info regarding the trades).

Using the code below, I get the following error: SQL Error [48]: ClickHouse exception, code: 48,DB::Exception: ASOF join over right table Nullable column is not implemented

What I have tried is the condition "IS NOT NULL" but it didn't do anything.


orders as(
    SELECT order_timestamp, order_price, product_id
    FROM order_table
        ( order_timestamp >= toInt32(toDateTime64('2022-01-02 10:00:00.000', 3))*1000
            AND order_timestamp <= toInt32(toDateTime64('2022-01-02 12:00:00.000', 3))*1000)
        AND product_id = 'SPXFUT'
        AND order_timestamp IS NOT NULL),
trades as (
    FROM trades_table
         trade_timestamp >= toInt32(toDateTime64('2021-12-02 10:00:00.000', 3))*1000 AND trade_timestamp <= toInt32(toDateTime64('2021-12-02 12:00:00.000', 3))*1000
         AND product_id = 'SPXFUT'
         AND trade_timestamp IS NOT NULL),
results as(
    FROM trades tt
    ASOF LEFT JOIN orders o
    ON (tt.product_id = o.product_id ) AND (tt.trade_timestamp >= o.order_timestamp ))
FROM results


  • Current implementation of ASOF LEFT JOIN requires that the right side column used in inequality to be a non-nullable type. As the types comes from the table definition (and your order_table must have a definition of order_timestamp like Nullable(Int64)), ClickHouse will refuse to run with the exception like ClickHouse exception, code: 48,DB::Exception: ASOF join over right table Nullable column is not implemented.

    As a solution, you can wrap o.order_timestamp with assumeNotNull function in the ASOF LEFT JOIN condition:

    ON (tt.product_id = o.product_id ) AND (tt.trade_timestamp >= assumeNotNull(o.order_timestamp) ))

    But you shall consider the behavior of assumeNotNull (documentation) - it will give a non-null value for the type (default value), which might give wrong results for the cases where o.order_timestamp is null (assumeNotNull is implementation specific and can bring more problems - assumeNotNull and friends).

    Another solution is to use ifNull and provide a suitable replacement for the missing values, avoiding potential problems that assumeNotNull brings:

    ON (tt.product_id = o.product_id ) AND (tt.trade_timestamp >= ifNull(o.order_timestamp,0) ))

    And the last suggestion is to change the column datatype to a non-nullable one:

    ALTER TABLE order_table MODIFY COLUMN order_timestamp <TypeName>;

    But this depends on your use case - if it is a requirement that order_timestamp has to accept null values, I would recommend to adopt the second solution.