I have this compilation error in my firestore.rules:
Compilation errors in firestore.rules:
[E] 35:7 - Unexpected 'if'.
[E] 38:7 - Unexpected 'else'.
[E] 42:3 - Unexpected '}'.
The excerpt from the firestore.rules is as follows:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /requests/{id} {
allow read: if isSignedIn() && ((getUserKennung() in resource.data.users_read) || userIsXY());
allow write: if isSignedIn() && ((getUserKennung() in resource.data.users_write) || userIsXY());
function getUserKennung(){
let email = request.auth.token.email;
return email[0:7].upper();
else {
return 'ERR: Invalid usermail';
function userIsXY(){
return request.auth.token.email == 'XY@provider.org';
function isSignedIn(){
return request.auth != null;
I have no clue why the error occurs.
I don't think if...then...else
is allowed in custom functions in security rules, so you might want to try a ternary expression like this:
function getUserKennung(){
let email = request.auth.token.email;
return email.lower().matches('.*@provider[.]org')
? email[0:7].upper()
: 'ERR: Invalid usermail';