I want to detect what item is showing on the screen in FlatList
that render an aditional view in that item after 2 seconds of focus. (like comment filed in instagram)
In the Other word, I want to render an aditional view to PostItem
after 2 seconds that it's showing on the screen. I try to add setTimeout
in useEfect
to make that component visible. But the PostItem
in FlatList
and all the list render concurrently and after 2 seconds all PostItems have this component.
Is there any solution for this?
If the solution is to use onViewableItemsChanged
prop in FlatList
, how to implemet that with this prop?
here is my FlatList component:
const _renderItem: ListRenderItem<Post> = ({item}) => {
return <PostItem {...item} />;
You can get the index of the element and find it in your data array using
const onItemIndexChange = useCallback(setHourIndex, []);
const ITEM_HEIGHT = height_of_one_item_rendered
onMomentumScrollEnd={(ev) => {
const newIndex = Math.round(ev.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y / ITEM_HEIGHT);
if (onItemIndexChangeHour) {
onItemIndexChange(newIndex + 1);