TYPO3 V10 with seo and news extension:
In my news sitemap I only want to show news that are not archived. The following configuration works, but I need to replace the fixed value for the timestamp with a dynamic one:
plugin.tx_seo.config {
xmlSitemap {
sitemaps {
news {
provider = TYPO3\CMS\Seo\XmlSitemap\RecordsXmlSitemapDataProvider
config {
table = tx_news_domain_model_news
additionalWhere = AND archive = 0 OR archive > 1640800495
How can I do this?
I know how to build the statement as a text object in TypoScript, but how can I use it behind additonalWhere:
lib.statement = TEXT
lib.statement.value = AND archive = 0 OR archive > {date : U}
lib.statement.value.insertData = 1
I know how to use a constant, but I think I can't make it dynamic:
additionalWhere = {$constant.statement}
I also tried to use a REGISTER, but without success.
additionalWhere = AND archive = 0 OR archive > {REGISTER:statement}
additionalWhere.insertData = 1
I think, using a SQL Function directly is the best solution here (thanks to Julian Hofmann):
additionalWhere = start_date > CURDATE()
additionalWhere = archive = 0 OR archive > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()