As you can see in the screenshot, we have skin type and product brand with an asterik.
I have created a new attribute and I don't want these two field to be included in it. So how can I remove the field manually from the Magento dashboard or I can make it not mandatory to add.
Currently I have dragged skin type from Stores->Product Attributes->Groups to unassigned attributes.
You can try below steps to hide product fields
Step 1:
create catalog_product_edit.xml under
File: catalog_product_edit.xml
<referenceContainer name="content">
<block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="myattribHide" before="before.body.end" template="Vendor_Module::product/edit/fieldhide.phtml" />
Step 2: Create file fieldhide.phtml under
File : fieldhide.phtml
], function($,uiRegistry){
uiRegistry.get("product_form.product_form.content.container_yourcustomfield.yourcustomfield", function (element) {
Note: Please replace "yourcustomfield" with your attribute code
Step 3: Please remove static files and refresh cache