I'm trying to change the content of a push notification received from firebase. This is the application class in the Android project:
public class MainApplication : Application
public MainApplication(IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transer) : base(handle, transer)
public override void OnCreate()
//Set the default notification channel for your app when running Android Oreo
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.O)
//Change for your default notification channel id here
FirebasePushNotificationManager.DefaultNotificationChannelId = "FirebasePushNotificationChannel";
//Change for your default notification channel name here
FirebasePushNotificationManager.DefaultNotificationChannelName = "General";
FirebasePushNotificationManager.DefaultNotificationChannelImportance = NotificationImportance.Max;
//If debug you should reset the token each time.
FirebasePushNotificationManager.Initialize(this, true);
FirebasePushNotificationManager.Initialize(this, false);
FirebasePushNotificationManager.IconResource = Resource.Drawable.logogiusto;
FirebasePushNotificationManager.Color = Android.Graphics.Color.Red;
//Handle notification when app is closed here
CrossFirebasePushNotification.Current.OnNotificationReceived += (s, p) =>
//var hardware_token=Xamarin.Essentials.SecureStorage.GetAsync("hardware_token");
//Interface inter = new Interface();
//float share=inter.GetShareOnHardwareToken(hardware_token);
FirebasePushNotificationManager.NotificationContentTitleKey = "foobar";
Basically, I need to change the notification content with some data that I can get only via the user app (until the session is expired)*. I thought about dealing with it using tokens instead of topics but since the app requires sending notifications to users at the same moment, it might become bulky on my side.
I also tried using
FirebasePushNotificationManager.NotificationContentTitleKey = "foobar";
as you can see from the code above, but it simply does nothing and the content still is the one I choose on firebase.
One interesting aspect is that I get this on the debug window whenever I receive a push notification from firebase:
[FirebaseMessaging] Unable to log event: analytics library is missing
[FirebaseMessaging] Missing Default Notification Channel metadata in AndroidManifest. Default value will be used.
Although I cannot fully understand what is this referring to.
*If what I receive from firebase is NEW NOTIFICATION FROM FIREBASE it needs to become NEW NOTIFICATION FROM ABC
Set the meta name correctly so the Default Notification Channel can be recognized like:
<meta-data android:name="com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_channel_id" android:value="@string/notification_channel_id" />