I am trying to find the end-effector spatial velocity Jacobian for a robot with a free-floating base. Due to the free-floating base, the jacobian should contain a base component and a manipulator comment (see https://spart.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Tutorial_Kinematics.html#jacobians)
V_ee = end-effector spatial velocity
J_b = base jacobian component
J_m = manipulator jacobian component
v = generalized velocities
V_ee = [J_b, J_m] v
Until now, I was using SPART toolbox to do this in Matlab (https://github.com/NPS-SRL/SPART) and now I am moving to Drake. I tried using CalcJacobianSpatialVelocity in the MultiBodyPlant and the manipulator Jacobian is correct when compared to SPART. However, the base component of the Jacobian is all zeros. This is different from what I expected and from SPART as for a free-floating base, the base velocities contribute to the end-effector spatial velocities.
An example reproduction of this issue can be found here: https://colab.research.google.com/github/vyas-shubham/DrakeTests/blob/main/freeFloating/computeJacobian.ipynb
I think I'm either doing one of these wrong while using Drake:
Your code is taking the Jacobian of the chaser relative to the target; there is no floating base between them (so the jacobian wrt to the floating base should, indeed, be zero). I think, perhaps, that you want to make frame_A=world_frame
postCaptureTargetJacobian = postContactPlant.CalcJacobianSpatialVelocity(context=postCaptureContext,
PS - I added this cell to your notebook to quickly inspect your kinematic tree
from IPython.display import display, SVG
import pydot
PPS - Thanks for curating the example in the notebook. That made it easy for me to take a look.