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Where to set vmArgs for JUnit in VS Code?

I have a Java project with numerous unit tests. In Visual Studio Code, I can run all the tests from the “Testing” tab. Several fail, however, because I need to provide some required VM arguments for them to run properly. We use Maven as our build system.

I know the syntax to provide VM args, but I can’t find the launch configurations for the JUnit tests. I just auto-generated a launch.json, but it doesn’t have a Junit configuration. Yet, VS Code clearly knows how to launch the unit tests, because when I tell it to do it (from the Testing pane), it runs them (even the ones that error-out).

This answer (Visual Studio Code launch.json file for JUnit?) indicates I can just right-click on the unit test to provide options, but all I get are:

  • Run Test
  • Debug Test
  • Go to Test
  • Hide Test

The auto-generated launch.json is pretty basic. The two configurations it generated are kind of useless, because it’s a library, not an executable program.

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "java",
            "name": "Launch Current File",
            "request": "launch",
            "mainClass": "${file}"
            "type": "java",
            "name": "Launch RunObject",
            "request": "launch",
            "mainClass": "com.ourcompany.RunObject",
            "projectName": "OurCommon"

Where do I set the VM args for unit tests?


  • For Java Tests

    (Run from the editor,) We can use "java.test.config"! With this settings.json:

        "java.test.config": {
            "vmArgs": ["-Dfoo=bar", "-Dbar=baz"]

    This test succeeds:

        public void testFoo() {
            assertEquals("bar", System.getProperty("foo"));
            assertEquals("baz", System.getProperty("bar"));

    (run from editor).

    See here:

    ..and completely different to:


    Where it is (also):

    "vmArgs": "-Dfoo=bar"

    ..but something totally different in vs code infrastructure.


    See also:


    (For "build tasks" (which can also be tests)) :