I am building a service which creates on demand node red instance on Kubernetes. This service needs to have custom authentication, and some other service specific data in a JSON file.
Every instance of node red will have a Persistent Volume associated with it, so one way I though of doing this was to attach the PVC with a pod and copy the files into the PV, and then start the node red deployment over the modified PVC.
I use following script to accomplish this
def paste_file_into_pod(self, src_path, dest_path):
dir_name= path.dirname(src_path)
bname = path.basename(src_path)
exec_command = ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'cd {src}; tar cf - {base}'.format(src=dir_name, base=bname)]
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tar_buffer:
resp = stream(self.k8_client.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec, self.kube_methods.component_name, self.kube_methods.namespace,
stderr=True, stdin=True,
stdout=True, tty=False,
while resp.is_open():
if resp.peek_stdout():
out = resp.read_stdout()
if resp.peek_stderr():
print('STDERR: {0}'.format(resp.read_stderr()))
with tarfile.open(fileobj=tar_buffer, mode='r:') as tar:
subdir_and_files = [tarinfo for tarinfo in tar.getmembers()]
tar.extractall(path=dest_path, members=subdir_and_files)
This seems like a very messy way to do this. Can someone suggest a quick and easy way to start node red in Kubernetes with custom settings.js and some additional files for config?
The better approach is not to use a PV for flow storage, but to use a Storage Plugin to save flows in a central database. There are several already in existence using DBs like MongoDB
You can extend the existing Node-RED container to include a modified settings.js
in /data
that includes the details for the storage and authentication plugins and uses environment variables to set the instance specific at start up.
Examples here: https://www.hardill.me.uk/wordpress/tag/multi-tenant/