I made a script in python and selenium that makes a search on youtube. When it's completely loaded, I'm only able to fetch all titles from the results. Is there any line of code I can integrate in order to fetch date publishing too?
This is my code:
def youTube():
term = 'bitcoin'
tit = []
d = webdriver.Firefox()
d.find_element_by_xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'Accetto')]").click()
scrollHeight = d.execute_script("return window.scrollMaxY")
scrolled_pages = 0
# while we have not reached the max scrollHeight
while d.execute_script("return window.pageYOffset") < 3000:
scrolled_pages += 1
for my_elem in WebDriverWait(d, 20).until(EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH, "//yt-formatted-string[@class='style-scope ytd-video-renderer' and @aria-label]"))):
To retrieve the date/time when video has been released on Youtube using Python and Selenium you can use the following Locator Strategy:
Code Block:
print([my_elem.get_attribute("innerHTML") for my_elem in WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@id='metadata-line' and @class='style-scope ytd-video-meta-block']////following::span[2][contains(., 'hours') or contains(., 'day')]")))])
Console Output:
['2 hours ago', '2 hours ago', '3 hours ago', 'Streamed 3 hours ago', 'Streamed 3 hours ago', '5 hours ago', 'Streamed 6 hours ago', '6 hours ago', '6 hours ago', '7 hours ago', '8 hours ago', 'Streamed 8 hours ago', '9 hours ago', 'Streamed 10 hours ago', '11 hours ago']