I'm making an App in python kivy, and I have a problem. I'm dragging an image and even If I hold outside the image it still drags. I want the image to drag only if I'm holding on the image. I tried to fix the problem but couldn't find any solution. Below is my code! Any help is appreciated! Thank You!
This is my .kv
kv = '''
drag_rectangle: self.x+self.width/3, self.y+self.height/3, self.width/3, self.height/3
drag_timeout: 10000000
drag_distance: 0
#:import utils kivy.utils
#:import FadeTransition kivy.uix.screenmanager.FadeTransition
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
source: "Background.png"
id: book
pos: 0, 102
size_hint: 1, .1
source: "Tv.png"
This is my main.py
class DragImage(DragBehavior, Image):
def on_touch_up(self, touch):
uid = self._get_uid()
if uid in touch.ud:
print(self.source, 'dropped at', touch.x, touch.y)
return super(DragImage, self).on_touch_up(touch)
You can use the actual size of the picture that you see instead of the widget size when calculating the drag_rectangle
drag_rectangle: self.center[0] - self.norm_image_size[0]/6, self.center[1] - self.norm_image_size[1]/6, \
self.norm_image_size[0]/3, self.norm_image_size[1]/3